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Dr. Rochna Roy,Arko Chakraborty


Exploration, Distinctiveness, Consciousness, Acknowledgment, Existence, Self- realization, Devotion, Truth


This paper embarks upon a nuanced exploration of consciousness, employing a dual lens that intertwines rigorous scientific inquiry with the profound insights derived from Vedanta philosophy. In the initial segment, we deploy meticulous scientific methodologies to scrutinize the intricacies of conscious phenomena. Notwithstanding the strides made, our discernments accentuate the inherent limitations intrinsic to purely scientific approaches, revealing their inadequacies in apprehending the fundamental essence of consciousness. The paper rigorously scrutinizes the constraints of scientific inquiry in unraveling the intricate nature of consciousness and selfhood. Navigating the labyrinthine terrain of subjective realms, we confront the nuanced interplay between scientific objectivity and the inherently personal nuances of human experience looking at the inherent insufficiency of scientific methods by turning our attention towards the concept of objectivity and how sentience does not bow readily to the metrics of objectivity. Then, we went on to unfold the "Hard Problem of Consciousness' ', finally throwing some light on the practice of neural correlates and them by their inherent nature being incomplete in explaining consciousness as a pure phenomenon . While the scientific method excels in elucidating observable phenomena, the subjective dimensions of consciousness and self-awareness pose an eminent challenge. Consciousness, emblematic of subjective experience, vehemently resists facile quantification. The paper accentuates the intrinsic inadequacies of scientific methodologies in delving into the elusive profundities of the human psyche, underscoring the imperative for a more nuanced approach that seamlessly integrates subjective perspectives. The subsequent section of this discourse adopts a divergent perspective, immersing itself in the venerable wisdom of Vedanta philosophy to unveil the enigmatic facets of the soul. Drawing upon the opulent tapestry of Vedantic thought, we navigate the intricate realms of consciousness, endeavoring to cultivate a holistic understanding that transcends the circumscribed boundaries of empirical observation. This treatise embarks on a profound exploration into the elusive dimensions of self and consciousness, traversing the intricate expanse of Vedanta philosophy--an ancient bastion entrenched in the erudition of the Upanishads. In contradistinction to conventional scientific methodologies reliant upon empirical validation and objective substantiation, Vedanta elevates subjective experience as the paramount conduit to truth. Our expedition initiates with an incisive examination of the constraints inherent in scientific inquiry, unraveling the intricate Subjectivity Conundrum and contending with the formidable "hard problem of consciousness." Navigating into the domain of Vedanta, we meticulously scrutinize the notion of Atman as an eternal, distinct essence that transcends the ephemeral trappings of the material realm. We delve into the intricate dynamics between Jivatma and Paramatma, accentuating their individualistic facets while underscoring their profound devotional interconnection. Vedanta's philosophical stance on salvation, Moksha, surfaces as an eternal communion with Bhagavan, concurrently preserving the distinctiveness of individual identity. The core tenet of Vedanta manifests in Bhagavan as the Supreme Personality of Godhead--a benevolent divine presence that illuminates, sustains, and extends spiritual sanctuary. It is herein acknowledged that salvation is inextricably tied to devotion to Bhagavan, surpassing the mere pursuit of liberation and culminating in the zenith of spiritual cognizance. Culminating our journey, we discern that love, as the ultimate variety, transcends even the pursuit of Moksha. Devotion and love for the Divine, pivotal themes in Vedanta and extending into philosophies like Gaudiya Vaishnavism, epitomize the deepest and most intrinsic nature of the soul--an eternal yearning for a transcendent and affectionate communion. In summation, Vedanta, enriched by the sagacity of the Upanishads, proffers an erudite perspective on the nature of the self, consciousness, and ultimate verity. It beckons individuals to plumb the recesses of their souls, acknowledging the perennial thread interwoven in the fabric of existence, transcending the ephemeral nuances of life. Vedanta underscores the paramountcy of subjective experience as an authentic and discerning avenue for realizing truth, guiding seekers along a trajectory of profound devotion, surrender, and perpetual communion with the divine. Through this philosophical odyssey, we glean profound insights into a worldview that impels us to delve into the innermost sanctum of our consciousness, unveiling the eternal verities that have enraptured the intellects and hearts of seekers throughout the epochs. Embracing the subjective essence of our spiritual odyssey, we discern a pathway leading to self- realization, divine communion, and the apprehension of the deepest, truest, and most profound essence of our being-- love.

  IJCRT's Publication Details

  Unique Identification Number - IJCRT2401240

  Paper ID - 249275

  Author type - Indian Author

  Page Number(s) - b931-b951

  Pubished in - Volume 12 | Issue 1 | January 2024

  DOI (Digital Object Identifier) -   

  No Of Downloads - 102

  Author Country - India, 560068, Bengaluru, Bengaluru, 560068, Medical Science All

  Publisher Name - IJPUBLICATION | | ISSN : 2320-2882

  E-ISSN Number - 2320-2882

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Dr. Rochna Roy,Arko Chakraborty,   "Unearthing the Essence of The Soul", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.12, Issue 1, pp.b931-b951, January 2024, Available at :

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